Tag: Joseph Beuys

Beuys 100 years: Beuys and Naples

Beuys 100 years: Beuys and Naples

Casa Morra and the Goethe-Institut Neapelza are set to pay tribute to the German artist Joseph Beuys as this year marks the centenary of his birth with the exhibition “Beuys e Napoli”, curated by Giuseppe Morra. It will be preceded by an in-person and online discussion to revisit Beuys’ life and legacy. Selected contributors to this lecture are Achille Bonito Oliva, Michele Bonuomo, Mario Franco, Petra Richter, and Italo Tomassoni.

9th May 20212nd June 2023
Joseph Beuys: Gespräch

Joseph Beuys: Gespräch

Opening Wednesday 18 March in London, a display of works by the legendary German artist Joseph Beuys (1921-1986), curated by Piero Tomassoni. Beuys, whose centenary will be celebrated next year in several major institutions around the world, is regarded as one of the most influential cultural figures of the 20th century.

14th March 20202nd June 2023