Sasha Gusov (b. 1960, Russia) is an accomplished photographer, having been first introduced to the medium at the age of thirteen, and his body of work offers a diverse and captivating collection of portraits featuring prominent artists and celebrities. He moved to England in 1989 with a camera and barely any money to survive. Becoming a photographer was not an easy journey for Gusov. He would work wherever he could before finding a job with the printer Roy Snell, where he was given access to the darkroom for his own photography.

Gusov established his credentials as “an image-maker with something to say” in 1993 when a self-commissioned photographic project “Images of the Bolshoi Ballet’s,” taken during the company’s 1992 London tour, was published by the British Journal of Photography. This beautiful behind-the-scenes study of dancers, musicians and onlookers offered a social and narrative dimension to the everyday life of ballet, which was both new and innovative.

Often with elements of humour, Gusov explores the nuances of human mannerisms, and it is prevalent in the diversity of his concepts from theatre, music, and dance. From such humble beginnings, that was the start of his rise to fame as one of the most credible fashion and portrait photographers of the late 20th and early 21st century.

Selected Exhibitions

The Lumiere Brothers Center for Photography, Russia; Museum Kronberger Malerkolonie, Kronberg im Taunus, Germany.

Selected Publications

People like us; The Bolshoi; 25 years in Photography; Royal Parks; Terra Incognita; Locusts: People in Public; Locusts; Italian Carousel; and Shooting Images.


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