Author: Artvisor

Meditations on Andy Warhol’s Fright Wig

Meditations on Andy Warhol’s Fright Wig

In his early 20s, Andy Warhol began wearing a wig. At first, it was to disguise his hair loss. However, as the years went on, the unique silver wig contributed to his avant-garde mystery, and the wig, a means of concealment, became a recognisable feature of the public figure of the artist.

21st July 202230th August 2023
Curator Tour with Piero Tomassoni: Julian Beck. Works on Paper, 1941-1954

Curator Tour with Piero Tomassoni: Julian Beck. Works on Paper, 1941-1954

Piero Tomassoni walks us through a selection of rare works by Julian Beck, founder of’ ‘The Living Theatre’. Before this show, the paintings had never been exhibited before. Created with Custorian, Artvisor introduces you to Julian Beck’s works on paper, produced from 1941 – 1954. Born in 1925, Beck attended Yale University before dropping out and moving...

13th May 202230th August 2023
Hermann Nitsch’s 20th Painting Action

Hermann Nitsch’s 20th Painting Action

A major exhibition of the Austrian artist Hermann Nitsch (b. 1938) will open on April 19th in Venice, during the 59th Biennale. The 20th Painting Action, carried out and installed in 1987 in the Vienna Secession, will be exhibited in Italy for the first time since its creation. It will be on view until July...

16th April 202218th August 2023